Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Over the Rainbow

Did you see that rainbow last night?  We've had afternoon thunderstorms here in the canyon, and I have enjoyed everything about them...the rumblings, the lightning strikes, and of course, the rainbows.  The rainbow feels symbolic to me this morning.  I've finally reached the end of my rainbow and found my little pot of gold: I finally get to live life as a stay-at home mom!!!

After thirty years of working as a teacher, this will be my first day as a stay-at home mom now that I'm retired.  Oh, how envious I used to be of the "full-time" moms.  Wait a minute. Did I just imply people who work are "off-duty" when their job begins?  Notice I said "how envious I USED TO BE."

It didn't take many summers off from teaching to realize that stay-at homes don't have it much better than work-aways.  I didn't accomplish any more by being home instead of at work during June and July and a little of August. If anything, I accomplished less, because I didn't have a schedule or routine.  For a couple of months, why bother?  Ha ha.  That's just how I roll.

This week, I finally know what it's like to be retired.  I ran into a friend yesterday who retired with me.  Our eyes lit up with recognition and we ran in for a hug.  "Isn't it GREAT?" she asked me.  I had to admit that yes, yes, it was.  While we were shopping at Walmart, our school friends were frantically doing all of the last minute preparations to be ready for today.  While I was taking my son back-to-school shopping, my old fifth grade team was in a meeting.  While I was in a relaxed state of mind at the shooting range, taking pictures of my husband, son, and the gorgeous scenery, teachers everywhere were adding things to be done to their lists as fast as they were checking things off.

So this morning, I'm making my boy chocolate chip pancakes for his first day of tenth grade.  "Do they have to be healthy or can they just be yummy?" he asked.  He's the baby.  I admit to spoiling him.  I will be making fluffy pancakes from a mix...not ones with hidden veggies and extra fiber and whole grains made into flour.  I will drive him down the canyon and drop him off at the high school. Then I will return home to accomplish oh, so many things.  

Yeah, right.  I'm hoping to fold a load of towels and tidy up a few things.  No sense in going after this stay-at home mom gig with a vengeance. I'll start slow and ease into things.  Then by 2:30, I'll meander back toward the high school to take him home.  We'll run some errands and talk about his day.  After we have dinner and watch a little TV, he'll have homework to do, I'm sure.  I think I will like this lifestyle very much.

Happy First Day of School, friends!  So sorry about the full moon last night.  For once, it didn't send chills up my spine.  I'm starting to think less like a teacher and more like a mom all the time.  ;-)

"Breakfast:  the most important meal of the day."
Happy First Day of School, Bridge!!!

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