Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Looking for Mr. Right (Part Five) To Make a Long Story Short

This section of the online dating profile allows each person to reveal a little more about himself, in 200 characters, or less. I love reading what the guys have to say, if they bother to take the time to write, but so many of them either skip this section, or they only write a short list under each heading. These are a few I found to be interesting; some appealed to me, and some will have better luck with someone else.

A friend shared her own online dating experience with me recently:
One of my favorite profiles I read was from eHarmony. Spelling was not his forte. His interests were reading and learing. His favorite book was a "funn book about facts." He said he gets hurt east. For two of the things that were most important to him in life he responded: "famly" and "air so I can breathe." 
Air is important, and he makes a good point, but what we would really like to know is what makes him unique, beyond the fact that he would take the time to express his gratitude for oxygen.

Here are some quotes from my recent online "Looky Lou" time. 


"I have Dogs. A lady said to me the other day that she was looking 
at dog breeds. I told her it was good she had the noun verb 
agreement right on that sentence :0" At least he is making an effort 

to show his sense of humor.


"gotta be wit me to learn them things" Hmm...

"I have enjoyed England, Ireland and India as well. I love the 

Mountains. Jail..not so fun..long story but funny." Great 

conversation starter.


"The nutrition lables on my groceries. News paper." I read labels, too, and I like his sense of humor.

I dnn't like to reed books.” I think I believe him.

"I am a voracious reader." I think I believe HIM; he knows the word "voracious." Impressive. 

"Reading tends to put me to sleep. Unless of course I am reading you profile!" Trying for extra points, isn't he?

"I'm reading Brene Brown's "Daring Greatly". Awesome book!" He had me at Brené.

"Your profile." I bet he says that to all the girls.


"I exercise when I want , more when I really need to.. and some when i dont feellike it at all" I know those feelings; I just wish he did more for fun than exercise.


"Kissing! Cuddling!Dancing Music Eating out!" This one is pretty excited about his favorites, if exclamation points are any indication.

Tomorrow, we will let the guys tell about themselves, "In Their Own Words." Not everyone who is searching for a companion is a writer; I get that. When people take the time to write a few paragraphs, though, it's easier to get a feel for who they are, what they believe, and how they view life. This is my favorite part of the profile to read. Most of the guys do a good job of expressing themselves through voice, word choice, and descriptive writing. And you know how much I love THAT stuff! 

If you missed the earlier installments of this online dating series, they're included here:



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