Friday, May 23, 2014

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

"Into each life some rain must fall." That phrase usually pops into my head when I find myself feeling sadness or anxiety about situations in my life that aren't ideal. And then, after I've shaken hands with my reality, I set about trying to find the silver lining in the current dark cloud. There are almost always blessings in disguise at those times; it's our job to find them.

We may have old patterns of behavior that govern how we react to setbacks or bad news. We are always free to choose how we are going to behave. We can't control the events of our lives, and we certainly can't control the people in our circle. All we can control is our perception, and then our reaction. We can continue with our old habits, or, after some reflection, we may decide that the way things were is not how things are going to be.

This quote by Kathy Kinney came at a critical time for me:
"One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that she realized the only control she had was how she chose to handle them. So she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace. She was the queen of her own life and the choice was hers."
 I was just starting to come to grips with several of my recent trials, and felt like I was coming off as conqueror, when once again, I was caught off-guard by some sad news from a dear friend. My own wound of grief re-opened, and I began the healing process anew. Within a couple of days, there were new situations brewing in my life, and I finally realized, "This is as good as it gets." 

Life isn't about sunny skies and smooth seas. It's learning how to navigate the storms, and maintaining an even keel when the water is rough. It's about balance. Ebb and flow. Highs and lows. I understand that "there must needs be opposition in all things." It is after we have experienced the night, that we appreciate the day. When pain finally subsides, we know the blessing of comfort. After sickness, we are grateful when health is restored. 

If I've learned anything, it's that we are not only meant to survive our trials, it falls to us to learn how to thrive. Darkness is sure to come, but there is always the promise of another day. Nothing lasts forever, not the good, and thankfully, not the bad. The one sure thing is change. 

So, if you are currently enjoying a wave of goodness in your life, embrace it, and savor it. We are never promised an endless succession of good times. 

And if you are facing a trial that is overwhelming you, be brave. Mindfulness is not just about enjoying the sweet moments of our life, but also it is about dwelling in our times of trial long enough to learn from them. It won't last forever. A new day is coming. With courage set as our intention, humor and grace are surely to follow. 


  1. The rains come hard and heavy at times, yet we always survive. And we must endure the storms so that we may fully appreciate the flowers that bloom when the sun returns. That's what my friends would call a "Dawnism" Hope your storms are subsiding and your flowers are starting to bloom :)

    1. They are Dawn. My desert has received its rain, and the cactus are now in bloom.


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