Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cloudy with a Chance of Umbrellas

Thunder is softly rumbling across Chicagoland's grey morning sky. Bristol is snoring quietly on the couch. I've already wiped eight muddy paws earlier this morning, so for now, I can just enjoy the sounds of an incoming storm.

It's Saturday. We love Saturdays around here, but rain messes with most of my plans for Saturdays. 

What would I do in the absence of rain? Oh, wondrous things like walk the dogs at a forest preserve, take pictures of spring flowers, enjoy fresh air and sunshine, and mostly, not have mud tracked in the house every time nature calls out to our furry four-legged friends. 

Rain means having to adjust my sights; lower my expectations; compromise my plans. Of course, the day won't be a complete waste; far from it. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a Saturday, even a rainy one. 

There are books to be read, coffee to be sipped, and soft conversations to be shared. Luckily, we have an indoor photo shoot planned for midday, and we will postpone our outdoor shoot for tomorrow, weather permitting. Right now Chuck is sleeping in the family room, and the dogs are napping on their preferred couches. 

If I can't beat 'em, I might as well join 'em. I'm going to grab a book and a blanket, and hunker down on a couch myself. I've always liked the sound of rain; it is so soothing, and if it lulls me back to sleep, even better. 

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