Friday, August 1, 2014

Go Ahead, Say the "S" Word

We have a rule in my house. During any given summer vacation, no one, and I mean NO ONE, is allowed to say the "S" word after the last day of school in May until August first. 

Get it? Got it? Good. 

The "S" word, you ask? Yes. Not that naughty word your mom hates. And no, not the other words for "be quiet." (I never allow THAT word; there's just never a good time to be rude.) I'm talking about the SCHOOL word.

Bridger made the mistake of asking when we were going Back to School Shopping two weeks ago. 


He ducked his head sheepishly.

"Well, I was just wondering, since I only have one pair of jeans that fit, if we could go school shopping soon."

I pointed to the calendar. "See this? This is the month of July. It is sacred to me. You have two more weeks until you are allowed to ask me that question. 

"It's summer, for crying out loud. You can wear shorts. It's hot outside. Do yourself a favor. Don't wear jeans, even the pair that fits. And don't you dare ask me about shopping until THIS calendar page gets flipped to August. Understand?"

Nothing gets my hackles up faster than people who won't allow me to LIVE IN THE NOW, especially when that now is in the summer. 

My friend Kenzie, a fellow teacher from my school, who knows of my rule, asked me last week how my classroom was coming along. I just stared at her blankly.

"Isn't that your car I've seen parked at school?" 

"Shhh..." I gently reminded her, my eyes widening in disbelief. 

"So, it wasn't your car?"

"Is it August, Kenz? Have you forgotten already?"

"Must have been somebody else..."

"Must have been..."

I assure you; it was NOT my car.

So, it's August first. The "S" word moratorium is over. And look who's up at two in the morning, just like clock work. My sleeping patterns worsen as summer vacation winds to a close. There's so much to think about, especially for me, who has been avoiding all thinking and talking about school for as long as possible.  I have tried very hard to live in the moment of summer, knowing my brief retirement is coming to an end. 

Now that July is over, I will begin to fill in my lesson plan book. Now, I will start labeling things for my students. Now, I will arrange the furniture in my room, and sort my meager teaching supplies since I gave all of my things when I retired over a year ago. Now, I will begin in earnest to make sure my little second graders have a great school year.

If you see me now, you can ask me about school, and I promise I won't bite your head off. Good luck finding me these first few days though. I have a road trip to Denver with my son planned. 

On this first day of August, I am meeting a friend for breakfast as we make our way through Colorado. There's a daughter to visit; a granddog to see; a massage scheduled; some laughing and talking to do; shopping to be done; good food to be eaten. I'm going to linger a little longer in this delightful season, my favorite "S" word of all...SUMMER.


  1. Too funny. My husband is a teacher. Cam relate to the "forbidden" S word. Passing your post on to him.

    1. Thank you, Heather. My summer will be wrapping up as we drive home from Denver tomorrow. :-/


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