Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday's Back in Town

Yahoo! I'm as excited as my little second graders that today is Friday. We've put in some hard work, and we're all ready for a weekend. 

During my one year retirement, the days of the week lost all meaning in my life. Every day was mine to do with what I wanted. I woke up, wrote, walked the dog, played on the internet, went out to eat; basically, I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I rarely looked at a calendar or a clock. And I loved it.

This school year started on a Wednesday, and let me tell you, after only two days back at work, I was pretty darn excited when that first Friday showed up because I was EXHAUSTED. 

Imagine my excitement this morning, after sleeping all night, and for once, being woken by the alarm clock (that NEVER happens), only to realize it's FRIDAY!
I'm still trying to get used to my new schedule, and am very hopeful that after a couple of weeks, I will figure out how to return to blogging with some regularity, and get back on top of my workouts. For now, my focus is school. Well, TODAY, my focus is on the weekend! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, everyone!

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