September 29, 2014. That's when this whole Chuck and Denise thing started. Chuck took notice when I posted this cartoon on a Facebook page for older single adults to which we both belonged.
My accompanying comment was something like, "And this, folks, is the reason why I am willing to give online dating and long-distance relationships a chance."
The comic generated a little conversation among the regulars of the bunch, but I noticed a comment from someone I'd never noticed before. Who was this Chuck Bennorth? He must have been new because I'd never seen him online before. He wanted to know how the long-distance relationship thing was working for me. We took our conversation to a private chat.
The comic generated a little conversation among the regulars of the bunch, but I noticed a comment from someone I'd never noticed before. Who was this Chuck Bennorth? He must have been new because I'd never seen him online before. He wanted to know how the long-distance relationship thing was working for me. We took our conversation to a private chat.
I nearly blew it by mentioning I finally had a third date to look forward to; a first for me. He assumed it was a serious relationship, but I was just excited to be having a third date with anybody.
He nearly blew it by posting a joke on his Facebook page about smoking:
"This electronic cigarette is a waste of money. It melts every time I light it."
He was a smoker? I kept
Love his boyish charm. |
So handsome in a suit. |
We started chatting on Facebook about photography, dating, and our kids. I will be the first to admit that I was intrigued by his profile picture. Immediately, I could tell he was handsome, creative, and a photographer. What I learned in a very short time is how compassionate and gentle he is. Then I searched his profile page, and the first thing I noticed were the interactions he had with his friends and family. Everyone was so warm and kind. There was friendly banter and good-natured teasing. And I finally asked directly about the smoking. Big sigh of relief. He doesn't smoke, or drink, even.
Within a couple of days of meeting Chuck online, I dropped out of the online dating world. I cancelled my date for the weekend. Both of us left the singles group on Facebook. I just knew that I needed to trust my instincts with this one. He was a keeper, and I didn't want to take a chance of losing him.
Every possible opportunity, Chuck and I were chatting, texting, and Skyping. The first weekend available to us, we Skyped nearly every waking moment. When we weren't Skyping, we were talking on the cell phone while we took our cameras for walks in our respective neighborhoods. While I baked cookies for Bridger's homecoming group, Chuck cleaned out his closet. We wrote poetry together, and for each other. We talked late into the night, and resumed our Skyping session early the next morning.
Honestly, I knew he was the man I had dreamed of ever since I was a little girl. He wants to love, honor, and protect me, but he's not stuffy about it, and he makes me laugh. I mean, he makes me throw my head back and laugh, and I get to be who I am without apology or excuse. Chuck was willing to invest his time, resources, and energy in getting to know me. For once in my life, I got it right. No more unrequited love. No more trying to prove I'm worthy of someone's attention. We both believe we have found our lifelong dreams come true in each other.
Chuck says when I canceled that third date, and posted this little camera with the word "SMILE" on his Facebook page, he knew I was really interested in him. He says he had been flirting and trying to get my attention from the beginning. He told me he'd been looking for me all of his life. (Well, not the first year. He says he was busy eating and sleeping then, but after that...)
This is the first time I have ever felt like I was loved as much as I was loving. It is an amazing feeling to be desired, cherished, and loved, just as I am. No matter what, we know our hearts are home, and we have found our soft spots to land when the life gets tough.
This summer, my friend Tonia bought this bumper sticker for me: "Everything in your life has led to this moment." I can see how true that phrase is now. I had certain lessons I had to learn, certain tasks I had to do, and certain people I had to meet. Every heartache, every tear, every trial has all been worth it, and I would endure everything again, if I could be assured my journey would bring me to this place in time with this wonderful man.
As I approach the winter of 2014, it is with a happy heart and a smile on my face. Winter has never looked so inviting and warm. The future is full of promise and love. I couldn't be happier.