Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Changing Time Zones

Is it just me, or does anyone else play the time zone game?  We spent yesterday traveling across two time zones.  When we finally reached our hotel after midnight, I cheerily told myself, "Well, it's like ten o'clock to me!  Not bad at all."

After settling in and getting ready to retire, I tried to get comfortable in the strange bed.  It was like sleeping on a brick in a refrigerator.  I think we always try to compensate for the humidity by cranking up the air-conditioning.  Then, not only am I damp, I'm colder because I'm damp.

I kept checking my phone for the time.  1:00 in the morning.  "Oh, boy. See?  That's only...ELEVEN o'clock MY time!  Holy cow!  ELEVEN???  I haven't stayed up this late in FOREVER."

The time zone game is great when things are going well, and I have energy, and it's not in the middle of the night.  It gets a little taxing when you fall asleep at 1:00 in the morning and you're awake by 6:00, no matter WHICH time zone is involved.  When I start thinking, "Oh, well, that's like 11:00 to 4:00."  So what???  It's still only five hours of sleep.

I'm done with the game for today.  Daylight released me from the prison that was that bed, and I'm happily awake in the free breakfast dining area in our hotel, typing away, and now visiting with my son.  Excuse me, being with my boy is a sweet treat in any time zone, and I need to enjoy this fleeting time with a quickly growing man-child!  We're off to the Smithsonian today, for a family adventure in D.C.  More later...

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