Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I Got My Yogurt Done!

In my downward facing dog yoga position, I exhaled into the neck of my black t-shirt, wishing it would cool me off. It didn't. Once I was upright in mountain position, I couldn't resist any longer, and I checked the YouTube yoga video for time elapsed. Ugh. Only eleven minutes into a 32 minute yoga session. Time does not always fly when I'm doing yoga.

During this particular session, the instructor mentioned that I might be tempted to cut the session short (How did she know?), but that I should take this time for myself each day. I was worth it. The minutes I spend getting in touch with my breath, the rhythm of life, are an investment in making the rest of the day run more smoothly, more peacefully. BIG EXHALE. All right. When she put it that way, I guessed I could go another 21 minutes. Back to downward facing dog I went.

Chuck calls it "getting my yogurt done." Adding yoga to my morning routine is making a positive difference. I just completed the 22nd day of a 30 day yoga challenge. My muscles are more limber, and they feel stronger. 

How can I tell? Well, I don't wobble as much as I did three weeks ago, for starters, and I can hold poses longer, and I rarely fall over now. Huge progress is being made, I tell you. I love that the instructor reminds us to reflect on our intentions while we're warming up. This is my year of INTENTIONAL LIVING, and it is good to remember my focus word each morning. 

After I "got my yogurt done" this morning, I headed out the door for my walk. My back was irritable, so after I talked Chuck the rest of his way into work, I hustled home to ice my back. Then I had the rest of the day before me. 

What would I do with this glorious day? The house was already tidy, so I grabbed my camera and headed out in search for signs of fall. While I didn't find vast expanses of color like we did in the Smoky Mountains last week, I was not disappointed. There are always small bursts of color to be enjoyed this time of year. 

There are only seven more days in this yoga challenge, and I have a feeling I will continue to keep this addition in my morning routine. If it takes 21 days to make a habit, this one should be taking root for me. Yoga makes me feel better. It makes me feel stronger. It makes me calmer. It helps me focus. And I have to admit, I like telling Chuck I got my yogurt done!


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